“She can transform a simple proof of concept into a marketable product in even the tightest schedules.” — Founder Institute

Short bio

The better part of the last 10 years I’ve spent helping startups and Fortune 500 companies launch products and gain traction. Some of them reached more than 100 million active users in their first year.

I have insatiable curiosity about what makes a winning product. As a consultant, I’ve had the privilege of working with giants like Vodafone, Google, Microsoft, Amazon and IBM. This allowed me to deepen my expertise and helped me develop a systematic approach to marketing that stands out and sells more.

The bulk of my work is with early and growth-stage startups. Companies where the stakes are high, and the wrong approach can mean the difference between success or failure.

I also work with larger tech companies, helping their growth, sales and marketing teams hit their targets.

I’m currently running the Founder Institute startup accelerator chapter in Cologne, Germany.

Entrepreneur by heart

Growing up I thought running a business is a recipe for unhappy life. I struggled with that thought for a very long time.

Until I had a few jobs, made few bucks and realised it’s not the amount of work that makes people unhappy, but whether or not that work is fulfilling.

This is when I had a change of heart and embraced my inner entrepreneur.

In the past decade I’ve found two startups, started my consulting business and took on teaching. I accepted my strive for challenges and love for creativity, and channelled that into making a difference with my work.

Time is short and there is no short supply of difficult problems.

What better way to contribute than to help solve as many as possible?

Life outside work

I’m a Bulgarian, who lives in Germany and works in English. My French is a little rusty.

When I was young, I used to do a lot of sports. I’ve won medals in downhill mountain bike, karate, point fighting kick-box and volleyball. My racing numbers were 9 and 11.

I’ve also spent many hours playing basketball, swing dancing, practicing Iyengar yoga and snorkelling.

Discovering the best of all worlds is what makes me happy.

My favourite books are written by Malcolm Gladwell, Yoval Harari, Dave Trott and John Grisham. I’m a huge Sherlock Holmes fan.

I’m married to a lovely scientist.

Say hello here:


“If I have seen further, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants.” — Isaac Newton

This is most certainly true for me. My work is inspired from the ideas and knowledge developed by many great thinkers and professionals. It would be impossible for me to have reached my conclusions without the insights they shared with me and the world.

Some of the names might be familiar to you too:

Alan Weiss, Dave Trott, Steve Jobs, W. Chan Kim, Renée Mauborgne, David Ogilvy, Adeo Ressi, Sam Altman, Paul Graham, April Dunford, Jonathan Stark, Rochelle Moulton, Ben Thompson, Simon Sinek, David Fields, Stuart Diamond, Malcolm Gladwell, Adam Grant, Yuval Harari, Benedict Evans, Seth Godin, Steve Blank, Jill Konrath and Dale Carnegie among others.

Of course, there are many, many more friends, colleagues, partners, youtubers, bloggers and podcasters who have shared their wisdom with me and who continue to teach me lessons. I am thankful for that, even if not all of them know about my existence.